Tuesday, July 14, 2009

We met our kids...and saw the Home!!!!

We arrived in Battambang today. After a five hour bus ride, which was an experience in itself, (be sure to ask about the one room bathrooms for men and women), we arrived in Battambang. When we pulled into our hotel there were 20 kids in blue shirts waving at us and running to meet us in the vans.

Our team began screaming in the car...it was unbelievable. We were crying and laughing, hugging like they are kids we have always known and loved. I can honestly say, it was one of the most worshipful events I have ever been a part of. As we hugged the children memories flashed back in my mind of people sacrificing cars and savings accounts. I remembered people weeping as they put down the money to rescue children. I remembered saying that Western Reserve was "being" the church that day, and I am here to tell you that Western Reserve has been used by Jesus to forever change the lives of 20 kids.

Now that I have been in country, I have a new definition of poor. A new view on struggle, and a new appreciation for simple things like medicine and food. I also have a new definition of joy. We talk about and seek it. These kids...they have it. 

After we settled into our hotel rooms ($15.00 per night) we had dinner and headed over to the orphanage...we saw Haven of Hope! Guys, the building is beautiful. God has given them a home beyond their wildest dreams...praise God!

Everyone is doing great! No one has experienced major illness, and thus far, no one has threatened to take each other's lives...at least to my knowledge. 

Again, thanks for getting us here...and to the church that I love...thanks for making the sacrifice...you continue to amaze me. Blessings to you.

I am heading to bed and the internet is not wanting to work quickly enough to upload my pix for the blog. Will get more out tomorrow.



  1. AWESOME!!!! I got butterflies in my stomach just reading about your first encounter with the kids!!!
    Seeing first hand what real poverty is is a real eye opener and a life changer! Glad that your team can experience it!
    Love and prayers to you all and may the gospel of Christ go forth!!!
    Meredith and Fam!!!

  2. praying that God continues to keep "His' hand upon your group and that lives will be touched because of Christ in and thru you. Carol

  3. Love you guys. Thank you for all you're doing.

  4. Love those bus trips and the roadside bathrooms... squatty potties!! So excited for you and what you're experiencing!!
