Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fun, Games and Crickets?

(It's Marcie - Jason's finally letting me blog!)
Today was so much fun!! First we went to the market to haggle some deals for a few souvenirs. What an adventure of sights sounds and especially smells. Wow! You've never smelled anything like this place I'm sure. Emily and I picked out fabric from one booth and then went to another to have Cambodian skirts made. For $4.50 you can have a custom skirt made in a day. I love a good deal! Caleb found an Asian version of hackie sacks called "sey". It's a feather attached to a plastic spring that you try and keep from hitting the ground. 

After the market we went out to the orphanage for some free time with the kids. I will never get tired of a Cambodian welcome. The kids swarm the van jumping and cheering as we pull in. Hugs and kisses for everyone like they haven't seen you in years. We did some crafts and games with the kids today, which they loved! Jennifer played cut the cake, Gwen did thumb wars (a huge favorite), Cindy let the girls do her hair, Emily painted nails, Todd was a human jungle gym, Caleb and Vern played "sey", Judy colored pictures, I did face paints on the kids hands, and Jason was...well... Jason - making silly faces, showing the kids crazy dance moves, etc. Lots of hugs all around all afternoon. It was so great to just hang out with them, getting to know their personalities and seeing them play with their friends. We finally left the kids to eat their dinner and get ready for bed. 

We headed over to the local Grace Brethren missionary's home for dinner. The Kane's opened their home to us for a traditional Cambodian meal. We sat around mats on the floor and ate a wonderful meal of, you guessed it, RICE and stir fried vegetables and grilled red snapper. For dessert we they served dragon fruit, mangostines, bananas from their backyard, fresh pineapple and cookies. Jill had heard we were interested in some of the more unusual foods of Cambodia so she also had prepared some of her favorites ... fried crickets, dried frogs and some sort of beetle (I can't remember the name). So who were the brave ones??? Vern was the first to try a cricket and bravely crunched away. Jennifer and Judy were next. And low and behold BOTH my kids ATE BUGS! Yes, while I video taped and tried to hold down my dinner, I watched both my kids put things in their mouths that most mothers would be horrified to let their kids eat. They did it though, I have to give them a lot of credit! They have been amazing troopers on this adventure!! 
That's all for tonight! Tried to upload pics but connection is slow tonight. We'll try and get some pictures up later. Keep praying for us - God has worked already in our hearts and we have been amazed to see first hand how he is breaking the chains of idolatry and evil in this country. More later ...


  1. Hope you gave them dessert after they ate their bugs!!! Wow good for them! What about you Marcie??? How do tomatoes look now?? :)
    Love you guys!!!
    Meredith and Fam

  2. Yummy bugs! Good for them! Oh, the market smells. You're right: unlike anything you've ever smelled before! Did you get a fruit smoothie yet? Love you guys!
